Certified Online Divorce Coaching
Divorce isn't the end—it's a new beginning
Let's talk about what life after divorce looks like for you...
Things must seem pretty scary right now but...
Things must seem pretty scary right now...
- What is my life going to be like?
- What happens with the kids? The pets? The house? The car?
- How will this affect work, holidays, celebrations, family relationships?
- What about shared friends and communities?
- How do people manage conflict in divorce?
- When will the anger, grief, and other big emotions ease up?
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can, and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path"
After divorce, a life coach can help pave the way!
- Feel heard & supported, with compassionate focus.
- Practice self-awareness & emotional management.
- Develop your vision for an ideal new future.
- Break down this huge transition into small weekly steps.
- Learn systems, exercises, and techniques for staying on track.
- Come out the other side stronger and more in touch with who you are.
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can, and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path"
— Gautama Buddha
Certified Online Divorce Coaching
Considering divorce? Going through it right now? Trying to rebuild afterward? Wherever you are in the process, divorce is a big transition with a lot of emotions to manage and decisions to make.
Life coaching can help make the process of divorce smoother, calmer, less chaotic—and even positive, in terms of personal growth.
Paula’s sensitivity, passion, and compassion make her an incredibly gifted coach. She creates a space where healing occurs and dreams flourish.
— Irene G.
I've been there;
I know what divorce is like.
Trust me, it gets better.

I'm Dr. Paula Fendley

My personal experience with divorce started long ago; as a teenager when my parents split up. I felt alone and unsupported, and had to figure things out on my own.
Then much later I went through my own difficult divorce—and the coaching I sought and received during that time helped me take care of my own needs, be a better co-parent, and connect deeper with my daughter. It also made me realize I wish I’d had that kind of support as a kid—and that my parents had as well.
So what is a divorce coach exactly?
Divorce is hard...
coaching makes it easier
Whether online or in person, we offer a safe, calm, non-judgmental space for breaking down the big picture into small manageable pieces that you can work through step-by-step on your journey—which we’ll help you envision and manifest, as you create a new life you’ll love.

During or after divorce, a transition coach is a trained and experienced professional who helps you manage and navigate all the logistics, difficult emotions, self-advocacy needs, parenting concerns, and even conflicts that arise through the process—so you don’t have to juggle it alone. Even The American Bar Association recommends contacting a divorce coach to men and women to work through things your attorney can’t help with.
More importantly, certified life coaches offer compassionate support and encouragement through your difficult transition period—helping you process and stay focused on growing…before, during, and after divorce.
Divorce Coaching is a powerful tool for men and women. If you’re struggling with anything that has to do with divorce, you may benefit from coaching. We can help you uncover and sort through problems and obstacles—and develop creative solutions. Divorce coaching can also help you stay grounded and make good decisions, despite all the pain and grief and anger you’re going through.
The best way to decide if divorce coaching can help you, is to schedule a complementary discovery call—and we can discuss all your questions, no obligations.
Coaching and therapy share some crossover elements—but there are many more differences.
Therapy is facilitated by trained mental-health professionals with specific processes, licensures, and diagnostic requirements. Therapy generally focuses on the past and present, and is often unstructured in nature.
Coaching is about uncovering your inner strengths and identifying patterns that no longer serve you. With a focus on the future, our coaches start with the belief that regardless of your circumstances, you can channel your strengths strategically into step-by-step actions and achieve your true dreams for this life.
Divorce coaching doesn’t replace therapy, but it can co-exist quite well!
Under certain circumstances (such as co-parenting) it might be appropriate for me to work with both of you together—but when I work with couples, I want to remain objective; so I generally don’t see an individual for a while and then work together as a couple. When coaching begins, a certain allegiance is formed—and it would be disruptive to include your ex in the midst.
Have a specific situation in mind? Contact me!
I was introduced to Dr. Paula Fendley during one of the most difficult times in my life…I’d never considered counseling before, and was a bit closed off to the idea. After just one session, my reservations were completely dissolved. Through all my grief & internal conflict, she gently guided me to a better understanding of myself & others.